Chilliwack Learning Society is a not-for-profit dedicated to promoting literacy for all groups and individuals in the Chilliwack community.


Description of Volunteer Opportunity: English as an Additional Language (EAL) Tutor

Our team of EAL tutors mentor newcomers wanting to improve their English.

Tutors and learners work on goals as decided by the learner. These could include conversation practice, reading or writing improvement, test preparation, etc.  Meetings are generally once per week and can be held online or in-person at a public location.

The matching process takes into consideration the preferences, skills, and availability of learners and tutors.

Our EAL Coordinator provides training, resources, and support.

Qualifications Needed: Must be 19+ years of age, live in the Chilliwack area and be fluent in the English language.

Commitment Required: 1-2 hours/week, on-going

Benefits to Volunteer: Annual appreciation event, optional monthly workshops, make a difference in a newcomer’s life, learn about another culture, contribute to a more inclusive community…

Contact Info:

Laura Klassen
