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The Chilliwack Fair is recruiting volunteers for the 151st annual Chilliwack Fair which is held from August 11-13, 2023. Volunteers will be needed for both prior, during and after the fair. Volunteers will be given the opportunity to choose between the various departments found at the Chilliwack Fair including: Home & Garden, 4-H, Livestock, setup or take down, general labour, working with the public.


Qualifications Needed:

Age requirement of above 12

Can follow direction, be pleasant with public and self-motivated


Benefits to Volunteer:

The annual Chilliwack Fair is part of the fabric of our community.

Agriculture and the arts have made our community a great place to live and raise a family. You can show your support for the Fair by volunteering your time and talents.

A flexible schedule

T-shirts for volunteers

Invitation to Volunteer Appreciation Event post fair


Volunteer Coordinator:

Name: Gurman Gill

Phone: (604) 824-8191

Email: volunteer@chilliwackfair.com

Website: https://chilliwackfair.com/

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