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We are in need of lots of volunteers to help out at our Christmas Bureau Toy Shop & Mission Food Centre starting Nov 2-Dec 19.

Christmas Bureau Featured Activities

Qualifications: Volunteers must complete a Criminal Record Check and be 18+ to volunteer. (If you are 14-18 years old, and want to volunteer, please apply and have your parent/legal guardian complete the volunteer waiver)

Join us! We’re looking for volunteers to help with a variety of tasks from sorting, decorating, stocking the Toy Shop, packing and helping families with their toy gift bags and food hampers, helping with registration, and more! 

  • At the Mission Food Centre, volunteers will help with a variety of tasks from sorting produce and food donations, to creating nutritional food hampers, to breaking down cardboard boxes and general clean-up. Food Hampers will be created and given to families and seniors this Christmas.
  • Volunteers assist in every setup aspect of Christmas Distribution: receiving donations, organizing toys & games, decorating, sorting gifts, helping parents pick-up toy gift bags for their children, etc.

Time Commitment: 5 hours – visit Christmas Bureau Featured Activities to view the shifts. If you are unable to stay the complete 5 hours, please let us know and we will adjust your shift! This is a recurring commitment to fulfill an immediate need. You may sign up for one or more shifts.

Your health and safety are important to us!

Maintain physical distancing by keeping a minimum 2-meter distance between you and any other person not in your immediate family. We will have safety protocols in place to protect all our volunteers, clients, and MCSS staff by following all the Work Safe and Public Health standards.

Volunteers, staff, and clients are asked to respect the social distancing protocol. Sanitization stations will be available throughout the building and you will be provided a mask (optional: you may use your own mask).

For more information, please call 604-826-3634 or email info@missionmcss.com

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