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Volunteers, non-profits and charities strengthen and build communities. To succeed we must be aware of trends and be ready to take advantage of all the opportunities. Themes this year are – building a diverse leadership network, engaging youth volunteers, embracing new technology and opportunity to hear from the Community Gaming Grants Branch.

Join BCACG & Volunteer BC – at VOLUNTEER FUTURES SYMPOSIUM 2017 – WORLD OF OPPORTUNITY. For the 2nd year we have combined the event to offer a cost-effective conference known for its inspiring keynote addresses, practical workshops and relevant sessions with plenty of opportunities to network with colleagues and volunteers from across BC.

New this year – Project Management Volunteers (PMV) will be offering a reduced rate/full-day workshop on Introduction to Project Management for Not for Profits in conjunction with the conference. Limited spaces available. More details found under the PMV tab.

Registration fees include: All sessions, breakfast, lunch, coffee & refreshments.

Everyone is welcome! Volunteers, staff, board of directors, volunteer coordinators and from general public wanting to learn more about volunteerism and non-profit/charities sector can attend. Sign language interpreters are available making this event accessible for people who are deaf and hard of hearing.


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