Where to Volunteer

There are no shortage of non-profit organizations in the Fraser Valley who depend on volunteers to help bring their services to our community. Here is a list of many Fraser Valley non-profits looking for volunteers.

If you are a non-profit located in the Fraser Valley and would like a free listing on our website, contact us with your information.

Click on any of the entries to see additional information.

Compassionate Neighbourhood Health Partners Society (CNHPS)

9400 College Street Chilliwack British Columbia Canada Phone: (778) 539-1834 Website: http://www.cnhpsociety.com/volunteer.html


Photo of Compassionate Neighbourhood Health Partners Society (CNHPS)

Who We Are

The Compassionate Neighbourhood Health Partners Society (Compassionate Neighbours) is a registered charitable society, governed by the BC Societies Act and its own Constitution and by-laws.

Compassionate Neighbours provides social support for older adults and their caregivers in the Chilliwack, BC community.  Our goal is to be Chilliwack’s best provider of social connections and social and emotional support for older adults and their caregivers, in order to prevent social isolation.  We strive to do this by offering a wide range of social opportunities for older adults and their caregivers through community education and volunteer-facilitated neighbourly connections.  All Compassionate Neighbours services are provided free of charge.

Compassionate Neighbours has been serving our community since June 2017.


What We Do

Compassionate Neighbours provides a variety of support services for older adults so that no older adult needs to feel isolated, lonely or unsupported in his or her neighbourhood.  We also facilitate weekly group support sessions for the caregivers of older adults.

Support for seniors:

  • Seniors Connect Café is a weekly Thursday morning event where older adults can socialize, learn about community and health related resources, and receive free snacks and a bi-weekly free lunch.  Older adults who do not drive can receive assistance to join in with the weekly events.
  • Bi-weekly Monday afternoon intergenerational events provide youth and seniors with an opportunity to participate in games, crafts and conversation, as well as one-on-one connections.
  • One-on-one weekly telephone calls or in-person visits provide social support for older adults, including those living with serious illness or frailty.
  • Monthly social meal visits provide an opportunity for seniors who have difficulty getting out to share a free meal with a volunteer in the senior’s own home.

Support for caregivers of older adults:

  • One-on-one telephone support on a regular basis or as needed.
  • Informal caregiver group interaction for mutual support and encouragement via a weekly Thursday afternoon in-person meeting or a monthly Monday evening virtual meeting, led by a peer facilitator who received training through Family Caregivers of BC.

Support for neighbourhood activation:

  • Through attending a series of free educational workshops, attendees learn how to support older adults living in their neighbourhood and can become a Neighbourhood Connector.



Adrianna Kerkhoff, Volunteer Coordinator


Chilliwack Activity Centre
9400 College St., Chilliwack
(some events take place at other locations in Chilliwack)

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