Where to Volunteer

There are no shortage of non-profit organizations in the Fraser Valley who depend on volunteers to help bring their services to our community. Here is a list of many Fraser Valley non-profits looking for volunteers.

If you are a non-profit located in the Fraser Valley and would like a free listing on our website, contact us with your information.

Click on any of the entries to see additional information.

Earthwise Agassiz

Contact: Mary Nightingale
6031 Golf Road Agassiz British Columbia V0M 1A3 Canada Website: https://www.earthwisesociety.bc.ca/


Photo of Earthwise Agassiz

Earthwise Agassiz is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a nature-based community resource for organic farming and environmental restoration. Our site encompasses 58 acres of sustainable farming, riparian trails, wetlands and old-growth forest ecosystems.







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